12 Σεπ 2013

The Schiller-Institute : συζήτηση μέσω Skype με τον Θ. Κατσανέβα στην Αργεντινή

Below is a press release of the discussion presented to the Webcast of the July 27th Schller Institute in Argentina by professor Theodore Katsanevas, leader of the Dachma 5 Star Party. This press release was also distributed in Spanish throughout South American and was published by  news portals.
Founder of anti-euro party in Greece asks Argentine government to
send rep to discuss alternatives to Troika looting
Aug. 5 (EIRNS)--Theodore Katsanevas, Economics Professor at theUniversity of Piraeus (Greece), and a founder of the anti-euro Drachma 5 Party in that country, has requested that the government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner send "a top Argentine official to Greece to explain the Kirchner policy approach" in its battle against "the vulture funds and the banks more generally."
        Professor Katsanevas issued his proposal in the form of a question sent to the July 27 webcast given by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, president of the Schiller Institute in Germany, and Dennis Small, Ibero-American editor of Executive Intelligence Review, founded by the American statesman Lyndon LaRouche, in dialogue with a meeting in Buenos Aires. The webcast was titled: "Glass-Steagall: How to Stop the Global Financial Meltdown Over a Weekend; Who Is Out to Topple the Kirchner Government inArgentina, and Why?"
        Reflecting the great interest in all of Europe regarding the alternative which the governments of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner have implemented, in opposition to the horrendous austerity policies of the International Monetary Fund and the speculative banks and hedge funds, Professor Katsanevas asked:
        "I am interested in knowing about the Argentine government's future plans, how it is facing the problems posed by the vulture funds, and the banks more generally, and whether it has the support of the Argentine people. Specifically, what is its view on Glass-Steagall, and what is the overall state of  the Argentine economy? We would like to know whether the Kirchner government has any advice for us regarding `Grexit' [Greece exiting the euro].  A visit by a top Argentine official to Greece, to explain the Kirchner policy approach, would be most welcomed here."
        Dennis Small answered: "In response to Professor Katsanevas's question regarding the Argentine government: I do not represent the Argentine government, nor am I going to say anything or put a response in their mouth. However, we can have a sense of what their response might be, on the basis of what they have said on other occasions regarding the Argentine situation, and what their approach is to Europe.
        "President Cristina Kirchner has said that the destruction which the Troika is currently bringing about in Europe, is unthinkable. And it is also useful to recall what President Nestor Kirchner said on April 15, 2005, in Munich, Germany: `There is life after the Fund, and it is a very good life.' That was in 2005. One decade earlier, in 1995, Lyndon LaRouche's EIR magazine published a special report, and we held international events, under the title: `Yes, There Is Life After the Death of the International Monetary Fund.'
        "It's pretty clear that the right path for Europe is exactlywhat Helga Zepp-LaRouche has indicated. The chessboard has to be completely kicked over. It is not only necessray for every country to leave the euro; rather, the euro has to leave europe altogether. The euro system should not exist, because it is a system of looting and austerity run by the British Empire.
        "We have proposed measure which, along with Glass-Steagall, are required to fix the European situation. Therefore, from our standpoint, the standpoint of the international LaRouche movement, we believe it would be highly desirable for there to be direct exchanges among the patriots of Argentina and Greece, and  of Spain, Italy, the U.S., Russia and others. That is precisely why we organized this international webcast. Because only that kind of international coordination among those of us who are both patriots of our respective countries, and world citizens, as Schiller put it, only in that way will we be able to defeat theBritish Empire."
- See more at: http://www.drachmi5.gr/diethni/schiller-institute-syzitisi-meso-skype-me-ton-th-katsaneva-stin-argentini#sthash.Qrxv8aHy.dpuf

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